The secret of achieving the desired result when it comes to any weight loss is to keep your eyes on the goal. Anyone who has experienced success with this can tell you that. If you have set out to shed weight from your lower body, you must stay committed.
Prepare to Work Hard
The fat on your lower body can be especially stubborn so it may be easy to fall prey to disappointment if you don't see results right away. But if you remain regular and consistent with your practice, you will be able to keep temptation and distraction from crossing your path.
Pay attention to your diet
Once you start investing all this effort into your physical training, make sure that your diet remains a supportive element. Instead of focussing only on weight loss; let your aim be the nourishment of your body. For this, you must consume a healthy diet such as fiber-rich foods; fresh, home cooked food, vegetables and fruits.
Yoga for weight loss
For that slim, toned and shapely body try the power of Yoga asanas. Asanas increase your stamina, and boosts your metabolism so that you are burning calories throughout the day.
Practice the following 3 asanas that are perfect for helping you with weight loss around your hips. Hold each posture for minimum 30 seconds or more depending on your strength, and repeat for up to 3 sets. Grand Master Akshar shares 3 yoga asanas to burn fat and get toned hips.
Utkatasana Chair Pose
Formation of the posture
- Begin in Samasthithi.
- Bend your knees and slowly sit back as if sitting on a chair
- Join palms in Namaste and stretch your arms upwards
- Note that your pelvis must be almost parallel to the floor
- Align your ankles and knees
- Look up at your palms
- Stay in this posture for 30 seconds
Ek Padasana One Legged Pose
Ek Padasana
Formation of the posture
- Start in Samastithi.
- Keep your back straight
- Raise your arms and join your palms
- Exhale bending your upper body forward so that it is parallel to the floor.
- Arms remain beside your ears.
- Slowly lift your right leg up straight behind you
- Your right leg, pelvis, upper body and arms should form a straight line.
- Maintain your balance
- Repeat on the left side
Ek Padasana Variation
Ek Padasana Variation
Formation of the posture
- Start in Samastithi.
- Keep your back straight
- Bring your right leg up and hold your big toe
- Stretch it out and try to hold the heel/ankle or thigh with both hands
- Straighten your other leg
- Maintain your balance
- Repeat on the left side
The best part of yoga is that it can be practiced anywhere and at any time. This eliminates the excuses of work, travelling etc. All that you need to practice yoga is a mat, and sometimes even that may not be mandatory. Yoga is also the ideal choice for those who want to lose weight but do not prefer the gym. Start your mornings with yoga asanas and stay active and energetic through the day.